Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Six Ways to Make Web 2.0 Work

In February 2009, the McKinsey Quarterly released the results of a 2 year study looking at how 50 early adoptors of Web 2.0 technologies have been using these tools in their organizations. The article, "Six Ways to Make Web 2.0 Work," looks at 6 ways in which companies can best use these tools, with the most widely used tools being blogs, wikis, podcasts, information tagging, prediction markets and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

While you do have to register to read the complete article, the site VizEdu has made a great visual representation showing and discussing the results of this survey, including references and links to specific case studies that were done as a part of this study:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Top 100 Tools for Learning

The Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies is an eLearning consulting firm based in the UK. Each year they compile a list which they feel are the "best" tools and technology that can support a variety of learning formats and teaching styles . Below is their "Top 100 Tools for Learning" from 2008. This list was created based on feedback from 223 educators and eLearning professionals.

If you are interested in any of these tools, especially Skype, Audacity, Flickr, Google Earth, Slideshare, VoiceThread, and Facebook, eLIS staff are available to meet with you one-on-one to learn and explore the potential of these resources.

Is there a tool that you are passionate about? Did they miss one for inclusion on their list? Good news! You can submit feedback for their 2009 list here