Whoa, does that heading say myLesley? This is supposed to be the "what's new and cool list." While the myLesley portal is a staple in the teaching and learning diet, this summer it received an upgrade that featured a new gradebook function called the "Grade Center." There are many welcome changes including a spreadsheet look and feel, being able to weight grades as well as receiving and tracking student assignments easily. eLIS staff is offering a series of workshops focused on the Grade Center for the fall. Please review the new Grade Center guide to get started.
Atomic Learning
New, just-in-time training services are available through Atomic Learning. Lesley faculty, students, and staff have access to this great service via the myLesley portal. Atomic Learning provides hundreds of tutorials and help guides on a variety of applications and tools ranging from MS Office, Apple and Windows operating systems, Adobe products, even popular web sites like Flicker and Blogger. To access Atomic Learning login to myLesley and click on the myServices tab. From there, click on the Atomic Learning link in the Info Bulletin box and you will be in!
New Training Calendar
eLIS is pleased to offer a full calendar of workshops on a wide range of topics. Choose from Excel and PowerPoint Fundamentals, myLesley, as well as Wikis and Hybrid and Online learning brown-bag lunches. If you can't attend one of our events, please contact us to arrange a consultation or one-on-one session.
Curriki is a web site where you can search and share lesson plans, learning objects and classroom resources. Curriki derives its name from the words curriculum and wiki, thus creating "curriki." Not only can you find resources to use, you can also find other people to collaborate with on a project. Read more about Curriki and its features here.
The Jing Project
Developed by Tech Smith, a software company that provides tools to develop animated tutorials, the Project is a free web-based resource that allows you to share screen shots and images from your computer for free with other people. Develop your own tutorials or guides, include voice and sound. The Jing Project makes it a snap to share and develop content.