Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction: Practicum
Spring 2008
Ned Rimer has taught for the Lesley/Citizen Schools Out of School Time blended program since its inception. He was faced with a challenge; he wanted to see how his students were applying what they were learning to the out of school programs they worked in all over the country. The first semester, he had students mail him video-taped class sessions. While this allowed him to view his students applying their knowledge in practice, he felt that the students would benefit from being able to view one another's videos. In the Fall of 2007, Ned decided to transform this into a digital process, having students use digital cameras and upload their videos to TeacherTube.
Ned began planning this project in the Fall of 2007, and executed it with his class in the Spring of 2008.
- In the Fall of 2007, Ned consulted with an Instructional Designer on the logistics of the process.
- In January 2008, the class met face-to-face, where students received videotaping and editing instruction.
- In March 2008, students began sharing their short videos on TeacherTube.
- Digital Camera ($100 or borrowed)
- TeacherTube (Free)
During the face-to-face portion of the course in January, the students attended a workshop on video recording and editing that was arranged by the Kresge Media Center in the Library. The students then went out into field placements all over the country. They continued to communicate and engage in their coursework at a distance through myLesley. Towards the end of the semester, students had the assignment to record themselves teaching a lesson they had designed. They uploaded those videos to a private group area in TeacherTube that only the instructor, teaching assistants, and classmates could view.
Ned was able to log into TeacherTube and see all of the students' videos in one place. The students in the course were able to do the same - and provide critiques of one another's videos and teaching styles right on the TeacherTube site through the commenting feature.
You Can TeacherTube Too!
- Visit TeacherTube to see what it's all about
- Read the Guide to Getting Started with TeacherTube (PDF Document)
- Contact eLearning and Instructional Support at to set up a consultation with an Instructional Designer.