Emerging Technologies, Spring 2009
Carmin is an adjunct instructor in the online Technology in Education program who was faced with the challenge of creating a community of learners at a distance. To give her course a personal touch, Carmin had students introduce one another through a collaborative multimedia tool called VoiceThread. This tool, which uses images, video and audio, allows for an experience of bringing the online students to life.
In the Summer of 2008, Carmin was discussing tools with a colleague when the conversation turned to a new multimedia tool called VoiceThread. She was able to create her first VoiceThread for free in just a few minutes! She then incorporated the tool into her online course for the Fall 2008 semester.
- VoiceThread (free)
- Microphone (~$30)
- WebCam [optional] (~30)
Carmin set up a VoiceThread for the introductions for her course, and created a short video explaining the project to the students. She asked the students to view sample VoiceThreads and a "How-to" demo created by her teaching assistant, Jason Kries. Students visited the course VoiceThread, and added their own introductions. Students were encouraged to add a photograph and a video introduction. Those who could not record a video were allowed to add a brief audio clip, or even a text narrative for their introductions. The students were then able to view each other's introductions, all in one place!
Carmin's VoiceThread project helped students get to know one another, creating a personal connection from the beginning. View Carmin's VoiceThread introductions: http://voicethread.com/share/327335
Carmin's Next Steps...
VoiceThread worked out so well that Carmin is now using it for an online debate - she created a page for students to post three "Pro" and three "Con" arguments. Students post audio comments, followed by their cited evidence as text. While Carmin has used online debates for many years, she found this one to be the most exciting yet - allowing students to experience the emotion, passion, and personality found in a live debate!
You Can Create a VoiceThread Too!
- A one minute video on setting up a VoiceThread: http://voicethread.com/?#c28.b8381.i61448
- How to Leave Comments on a VoiceThread, developed by Jason Kries: http://coderedsupport.com/demos/voicethread.htm
- Contact eLearning and Instructional Support at elis@lesley.edu for a special one-on-one training session